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STBA Supply Staff

Ministry supply staff and help

This page is a list of Supply personnel for your church. (STBA does not endorse these individuals, but all are received and posted after a recommendation from others or a request to be placed on this list, and only after agreeing to the following theological statements. *Note You may have your name added by emailing us at southtexasba@yahoo.com with a reference, or you may recommend someone. All supply ministers must adhere to the inerrancy of God's Word, BFM 2000, and be supportive of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention, SBC, as well as South Texas Baptist Association. Please include your resume in a *MS WORD 2003 format only. *Most churches have MS Word, Not PDF, NOT Word 2007 so let's not make it hard for them to open.

Preaching Supply
The Transitional Church Interim Ministry
There are a few of us who are trained to help your church in the transition of finding a new pastor. We have been trained by Lifeway and are available to assist you and your church. SBTC churches are encouraged to enlist an Transitional Interim. Bro. Lynn Snider is certified to help your church in this endeavor. Bro. Alan Hughes are also certified to help your church. Read Article by clicking on Link Below. http://www.lifeway.com Type in "Transitional Pastor" in the search engine on the Lifeway site.

Add A Posting (Ministry Supply Form)Your posting will show up on the STBA listing below.

Ministry Supply Staff Listing
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